Want to Build Your CENTAMILLA : work with our smart Partners

Skillmaker ®

Our Educational Partner

Our educational partners work closely with Industry Professor®Association (INDPA) members to help them attain and then progress through the various educational roles and recognition levels outlined on the membership page. The following services and training options are available to INDPA members to help them ‘profit from their experience’.
Skillmaker.edu.au is an online educational provider that specialises in building free online educational resources for teachers and students in Vocational Education and Training (VET) competencies. Skillmaker.edu.au provides the following services for INDPA members to help them capture and share their knowledge and expertise:


Our Services Partner

Nowmaster is committed to helping INDPA members turn their ‘ personal practical knowledge’ into educational products that can be shared with the world for the benefit of all. We help you conveniently capture your knowledge and then turn it into paid-for educational products like online articles, ebooks, chat-bots, and courses.

Nowmaster currently provides the following services for INDPA members that help them profit from their experience: