Why Join

Why Join with us?

Through a simple discovery process, we explore your world of work to identify and transform
your personal practical knowledge into e-books, articles, and website posts to share with the world.

Industry Professor Certificate

Benefits to You

Effortless Authorship: Our team develops learning resources while you review, endorse, and author them for online education platforms.

Industry Title: Gain recognition that progresses toward the prestigious title of Industry

Personal Fulfilment: Share your expertise with current and future generations, leaving a
lasting legacy.

Enhanced Profile: Elevate your online presence and unlock the opportunities that come with that.

Professional Community: Connect with a network of accomplished, like-minded professionals.

Certified Trainer Pathway: Learn how to become a certified trainer.
We can help you get there.

Join Us: Share your expertise, gain recognition, and leave an enduring impact on the learning community.

Industry Professor® The Ultimate Recognition of Industry Experience

Be acknowledged for your extensive personal practical knowledge which we help you capture and publish widely for a learner-hungry world.