Membership Pricing

Select your Membership option

Industry Professor®
$300 / Year
Recognition of your Industry experience and sharing of personal practical knowledge
Industry Professor® Membership – Mastery and Recognition
Industry Professor membership is the ultimate recognition for those who have extensive industry experience and can demonstrate that they have shared a significant amount of their personal practical knowledge with others.
After joining, you’ll be asked to provide your LinkedIn profile, CV, and/or job description and how you have shared a significant amount of your personal practical knowledge with others.
A committee will then review your evidence and either award the title of Industry Professor or offer a refund or a pathway* to the title via the Industry Guide membership.
Once admitted, a framed wax sealed certificate identifying your Industry Professor status at the Industry Professor Association, will be posted to you.
Permitted use of license to add the post-nominal “P.INDPA” to your name
Yearly renewal will require adding to your body of shared knowledge publicly
Every Membership assists in Sponsoring Industry education for the next younger generation - You are making a difference towards the Skilling of Australia.
$40 / Year
Affiliate Membership – Dip Your Toe In
Affiliate membership is ideal for those beginning their journey in sharing their personal practical knowledge or those who just want to ‘try before they buy’
For just $40/year, we create 5 articles based on your work experience, helping you build your online presence and so start showcasing your contributions to global learners.
After joining, you’ll receive a communication from the Industry Professors Association requesting a link to your LinkedIn profile and/or a CV and job description of your current, recent, or most impactful roles.
Once the articles have been developed by us, you will be notified of their online posting for your subsequent review, amendment and endorsement. Endorsement prompts publication to a digital education platform with you as author
A digital certificate identifying your affiliate status at the Industry Professor Association, will be emailed to you.
Access to other Personal Practical Knowledge articles of other Industry people
Fully Tax deductible in Australia
Industry Guide
Start your Journey
Industry Guide membership is for those individuals ready to share their personal practical knowledge more actively.
For $190 (inclusive of Affiliate membership), you’ll participate in a 30- minute guided discussion to uncover the skills and knowledge that define your work.
The resulting content of 4,000 - 6,000 words will be published in an ebook under your name and emailed to you to share and so significantly boosting your professional profile.
We also invite you to endorse 25 published articles on an educational website to be published under your name.
This is your 20,000 word contribution to global learners.
Lift your contribution to 60,00 words which will involve a combination of curated and created content from two more interviews and 50 endorsed Articles
After joining, you’ll be asked to provide your LinkedIn profile, CV, and/or job description.
Following a review, an Association team member will schedule a 30-min exploratory Zoom discussion.
Once the e-book and articles have been developed by us, you will be notified of their online posting for your subsequent review, amendment and endorsement. Endorsement prompts publication of the articles to a digital education platform with you as author, while the e-book will be released to you
A digital certificate identifying your affiliate status at the Industry Professor Association, will be emailed to you.
includes Affiliate membership fee of $40


pathway* – The pathway includes additional interview and the Articles that it generates