1. What is the Industry Professors Association?
The Industry Professors Association recognizes and celebrates professionals with deep practical expertise, transforming their knowledge into learning resources to benefit communities worldwide.
2. Who can join the Industry Professors Association?
Anyone with extensive industry experience and a passion for sharing their knowledge can join, starting as an Affiliate and progressing to Industry Professor.
3. What is the title of Industry Professor®?
It is a prestigious recognition of mastery in your field, awarded to those who codify and share their deep personal professional knowledge through our structured process.
4. What are the membership levels?
There are three levels:
Affiliate Membership: Ideal for starting your journey by publishing 5 articles based on your expertise.
Industry Guide Membership: For professionals ready to share more actively, producing 6-8 articles.
Industry Professor Membership: The ultimate recognition, involving up to 60,000 words of content, made up from your endorsed curated and created content.
5. Can I upgrade my membership later?
Yes, you can start at any level and upgrade as your journey progresses.
Affiliate Membership
6. What does Affiliate membership include?
Affiliate membership includes 5 articles developed based on your expertise, published online under your name to build your professional profile.
7. What happens after I join as an Affiliate?
You’ll be asked to provide your LinkedIn profile, CV, or job description. Our team will create articles for your review, endorsement, and publication.
Industry Guide Membership
8. What is the Industry Guide membership?
This membership involves a 30-minuter guided discussion to uncover your expertise, resulting in 6-8 articles published under your name.
9. What is the process for Industry Guide members?
After joining, you’ll provide your professional details. A guided discussion will follow, and your insights will be transformed into articles for your review and publication.
Industry Professor Membership
10. What does Industry Professor membership involve?
Significant industry experience + activites that demonstrate your passion to share your personal practical knowledge with others. Typically a portfilio of 60,000 words of content, made up from your endorsed curated and created content, published globally under your authorship.
11. How do I qualify for Industry Professor membership?
You’ll need to demonstrate mastery in your field and participate in our discovery process to codify your knowledge.
Content Creation
12. What is the Q&A process?
It’s a verbal, guided discussion designed to uncover and codify your practical knowledge into structured learning resources.
13. What types of content will be created?
Content includes articles, blog posts, and e-books, all aligned with Australia’s VET standards and published under your authorship.
14. What are the benefits of joining?
You’ll gain recognition, build your online profile, connect with like-minded professionals, and leave a lasting legacy by sharing your expertise.
15. Can I use post-nominals after joining?
Yes, Affiliates can use “INDPA,” and Industry Professors can use “P.INDPA.”
Recognition and Legacy
16. How is my expertise recognized?
Your knowledge is aligned with Australia’s VET standards and transformed into validated, shareable resources.
17. How does this process benefit others?
Your insights are shared globally, enriching learning communities and helping to skill future generations.
Practical Details
18. Is the membership fee tax-deductible?
Yes, in Australia, membership fees up to $42 are tax-deductible.
19. How do I get started?
Choose your membership level on our website, complete the payment, and follow the instructions to begin the process.
20. Who can I contact for more information?
Reach out to us via our website or email for any further questions.