Industry Experts in VET


The ASQA Standards for Registered Training Organisations Amendment (VET Workforce Support) Instrument 2024 were amended on 1 March 2024, to allow industry experts to assist in the delivery of training alongside a trainer and/or assessor. This builds on the previous provision for industry experts to be involved in the assessment judgement, working alongside the trainer and/or assessor to conduct the assessment.

An industry expert is an individual who has relevant specialised industry or subject matter expertise who is engaged by the RTO on the basis of that expertise. Industry experts must have the relevant vocational competencies in the Work Skills Instructor Skills set (TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector + TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction) and have current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being provided. See Work Skills Instructor Skills Set

Units of competency to complete

TAEPDD401Work effectively in the VET sector
TAEDEL311Provide work skill instruction


This skill set provides the necessary skills and knowledge for those who facilitate and conduct work-skill instruction whilst delivering nationally recognised training under supervision in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

Pathways Information

These units provide credit towards TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and other qualifications that allow for selection of these units.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this skill set at the time of publication. The skill set is a successor to TAESS00014 Enterprise Trainer-Presenting Skill Set.

Skill Set Requirements

  • TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction
  • TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector

Target Group

This skill set is for individuals who work under supervision to deliver training to others in the VET sector via a face-to-face and in-person delivery model.